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八年级教案Teaching Plan L 3 B 2

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八年级教案Teaching Plan L 3 B 2

Teaching Plan
Lesson 3 Unit 1 Book 2
Teacher: Shu Hehua
School: No.3 Middle School ,Danyang
Time: September 3,2003
Teaching aims:
1. Develop the students’abilities of listening,speaking and reading
2. Learn the new words and Master some drills
Teaching aids: a tape recorder,some slides for shows,
exercises for Lesson 3,pictures
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Revision
Revise the reading passageCheck the homework
Ask “What’s your full name? What do your parents call you for short?”in pairs
Step 2: Presentation
Remind the students how to address English speaking people.
Write a name on the Bb: David William Lewis
First time: Pleased to meet you, Mr Lewis
Good friend: David / Dave
Repeat with Catherine Mary Jones
First time: Mrs Jones
Good friends: David / Dave
Step 3 : Practice
Point out the full and short forms of names
Practise a small dialogue
Step 4 : Read and act
Ask the question“Where is Sun Huifang from?”before playing the tape
Read the dialogue then work in pairs, Act out the dialogue
Point out some phases
1. How about/What about…? 2 for short
3.Where are you from?=Where do you come from?
4.be short for 5.know a lot about… 6.only a little
Step 5: Ask and answer
Ask and answer the questions in pairs about the picture
What and where are they doing ?
Make sure the students are using the present continuous tense
Step 5: Exercises in class
1.Tuesday is the_____ day of the week.
2.Today is _____ 10th,Teachers\'Day._____ Teachers\'Day,Mr Wu!
3.In China,the last name is the _____ name.
4. We have fun _________ to the English songs.
Step 6: AssignmentMake a dialogue asking for and giving directions.
Blackboard Design
Lesson Three
the third lesson
David William Lewis 1.How about/What about..?
First time: Mr Lewis 2. Where are you from?
Good Friend: David/ Dave =Where do you come from?
3.be short for 4.know a lot about…

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