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Mainly revision Lesson70

时间:2022-08-17 02:23:29 七年级英语教案 我要投稿
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Mainly revision Lesson70


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

I . Act out the dialogue of lesson 69

II . Make sentences using "so that"and "so ... that"

Step 2 Lead in

T: Do you like climbing hills? It's not an easy thing for us. Do you know why?

Step 3 Presentation

I. Which is the tallest mountain in the world?

II. Discuss the question

Step 4 Reading comprehension

I. Pre-read

Discuss the questions in groups of four.

II. Fast reading

Question: Did George Mallory make it to the top? (No one knows for sure)

Ⅲ . Careful reading


About george Mallory's climbing of Mount Qomolanyma:

IV. Intensive Reading


mist:a thing fog made by very small drops of water in the air.

wonder: to be surprised and want to know

disappear: go Out of sight, become lost

towards: to, in the direction( 方向 ) of

return: give back; go or come back

climb:go from a lower to a higher place

V. Read aloud

Read after the tape and do Exl in Wb.lesson 70.

Step 5 Practice

Do Exx 2--3 in wb lesson 70

Step 6 Consolidation

Retelling the text "Because it's There"

【Mainly revision Lesson70】相关文章:

Mainly revision Lesson 78教学设计04-02

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