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PEP book 5 Unit 3 What’s Your Favou

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PEP book 5 Unit 3 What’s Your Favourite Food第四课时

PEP  book 5 Unit 3 What’s Your Favourite Food第四课时

教学内容: B Let’s learn  Let’s chant  Story time


1.能听懂、会说本课时单词tasty, salty , sweet, sour, fresh.

2.能听懂、会说句型What do you do on Saturdays?   I often do my homework.



4.理解story time








  1、Warm up 

  Sing together

  教师播放Let’s sing部分录音,学生跟唱歌曲,适当强调歌词中的语句Something salty?Something sweet?的意思。



  (1) It’s yummy to eat. It is made of bread and ham. Its name begins with the letter as “ha”. What is it?

  (2) They are a kind of fruit. They are round and small. Some of them are purple, some of them are green. What are they?


  Let’s learn

  (1)教师出示一袋白糖,说:Here’s some sugar. 再用舌头添一下,以适当的语气说:It’s sweet. 然后让学生边品尝边认读单词sweet,提示单词中的字母组合ee发[i:]。

  (2) 教师拿出一袋盐,说:Look,they are not sugar. They are salt.品尝一点后表现出形象的表情,说:Very salty. 引导学生学习单词salty,提示字母组合al在salty中的发音,一边学生记忆单词的拼写。

  (3)教师出示一小瓶醋:This is vinegar. It’s very sour. 让学生用鼻子闻味,学习并认读单词sour。

  (4)教师出示一根新鲜的黄瓜,问:What’s this? 学生回答:It’s a cucumber.

  继续问:Is it salty? Is it sour? Is it sweet?并引导学生做出相应回答。

  教师说:It’s a fresh cucumber.引导学生学习单词fresh. 让学生说说现在季节中有的新鲜的蔬菜和水果:…are fresh.

  (5) 教师出示一个西红柿,问:Is the tomato salty?Is it sweet? Is it sour?Is it fresh?学生回答后,教师说:Tomatoes are healthy, too. Tofu is healthy. Mutton is healthy. Onions are healthy. 引导学生理解单词healthy的意思,带读单词,强调healthy中ea和th的发音,帮助学生准确掌握单词的读音。让学生说出一些对健康有益的食品:…is/are healthy.

  (6)教师将西红柿切好放入空盘中,拌入白糖,自己先尝一口:It’s tasty. It is my favourite.然后让学生在品尝中学习单词tasty。然后教师说:Tomatoes are my favourite.学生初步了解favourite的意思,并练习发音。

  (7)教师播放let’s learn部分录音,学生跟度单词和句子。


 3、Let’s play 

  Let’s chant

  (1)播放Let’s chant部分录音,学唱本课时歌谣。

  (3) 根据儿歌的韵律和歌词中的句子结构创新更多描述食物的语句,并汇报表演。

 4、Consolidation and extension 

  1 Story time

  (1) 教师说:Oh!I’m hungry now.  I have fish for lunch today.  But my fish is salty. Let’s go to a restaurant.

  (2)  教师播放Story time部分课件,学生观看。

  (3) 让学生自己阅读故事。

  2 完成活动手册

3 小组合作作业: 说唱儿歌;读并互背let’s learn 中的单词。

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