

时间:2022-07-29 07:48:43 大学英语作文 我要投稿




大学英语作文 篇1

  My View on Job-Hopping

  Many people are inclined to do one job in their lives. In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently are superficial and tactless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an txpert.

  But there are still many people who don’t agree. They argue that change means progress. If you are not satisfied with your present job, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one. Every change is a step to further success. This idea may be. the reason why they change their jobs so often.

  For my part, I think it reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportuniry. But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability, it is advisable to settle down to it and put all your efforts into it. Only in this way, can you get the true joy of achieving your goal.





大学英语作文 篇2

  albert einstein was born in ulm, germany, in eighteen-seventy-nine. from the time he was a boy, albert einstein had performed what he called “thought experiments” to test his ideas. he used his mind as a laboratory. by nineteen-oh-five, he had formed his ideas into theories that he published. the most important of albert einsteins theories published that year became known as his “special theory of relativity.” he said the speed of light is always the same — almost three-hundred-thousand kilometers a second. where the light is coming from or who is measuring it does not change the speed. in nineteen-twenty-one, he won the nobel prize in physics. albert einstein taught in switzerland and germany. he left germany when adolph hitler came to power in nineteen-thirty-three. he moved to the united states to continue his research. he worked at theinstitute for advanced study in princeton, new jersey. einstein became a

  citizen of the united states in nineteen-forty. einstein was a famous man, but you would not have known that by looking at him. his white hair was long and wild. he wore old clothes. he showed an inner joy when he was playing his violin or talking about his work. students and friends said he had a way of explaining difficult ideas using images that were easy to understand. albert einstein opposed wars. yet he wrote to president franklin roosevelt in nineteen-thirty-nine to advise him that the united states should develop an atomic bomb before germany did. einstein spent the last twenty five years of his life working on what he called a “unified field theory.” he hoped to find a common mathematical statement that could tie together all the different parts of physics. he did not succeed. albert einstein died in nineteen-fifty-five. he was seventy-six years old.

  today we tell about one of the most famous performers in the world, michael jackson. known as the “king of pop”, jackson sold more than seven hundred fifty million albums over his career. michael jackson redefinedpopular culture with his energetic music, dance moves and revolutionary music videos.

  but jacksons huge success as a performer was not always easy. he was a complex individual with an often troubled private life.

  “billie jean” first came out on the nineteen eighty-two hit album “thriller.” the guinness world records lists that record as the best-selling album of all time. other famous songs on the album include “thriller”, “beat it” and “wanna be startin something.”

  the album “thriller” was as much about moves as it was about music.

  michael jackson brought attention to his bodys movements by wearing a shiny white glove, shortened black pants and white socks. he created dance movements that were electrifying. he could be as hard as a robot, or as smooth as liquid. while doing his famous “moonwalk” step, he seemed to be walking backwards on air.

  his first album performing alone was “off the wall,” released in nineteen seventy-nine. three years later, jackson released “thriller.” the album was not just the best selling album of all time. it also won eight grammy awards and seven american music awards. and it helped establish the popularity of a new form of entertainment, music videos. the video for the song “thriller” was important in the history of the music industry. michael jackson understood the power of these videos in bringing attention to his music and to his image. he worked hard to make exciting videos with complex stories and dances.

大学英语作文 篇3

  Nowadays,_________ is/are doing great harm to ___________.

  What are the incentives that drive people to _________? The most important factors should be __________. Furthermore,________. It directly leads to the patent and salient harmfulness that ________.

  Consequently, it is high time that the whole society should contribute to the collective efforts to put an end to ________.

大学英语作文 篇4

  In recent years, it is a prevalentphenomenon inChinathat many students go abroad to study at their early age. Just as the sayinggoes, “so many people, so many minds.” It is quite understandable that views onthis issue vary from person to person.


  Some people contend that oversea at anearly age has proved to bring many disadvantages. They claim that those who goabroad at an early age will feel difficult to adapt to the foreign surroundingsbecause studying abroad requires higher language ability. In addition, thosestudents who are sent to foreign country will not be easy to learn improve abilityand knowledge if they have not mastered their native culture. What’s more,studying abroad will have some bad impacts on students’ morals, values andbeliefs.


  However, the others stand on the oppositeside. They argue that studying abroad at an early age is another choice forstudents to development, compared with the college entrance examination. Furthermore,students can get in touch with various cultures when they are studying abroadso that they can broaden their horizon.


  As a matter of fact, I amconvinced that its disadvantages far outweigh than its advantages. I considerthat studying abroad is more suitable for college students because they havesome ability to cope with their own matters.


大学英语作文 篇5

  I don’t think it’s a very good idea to borrow money from a friend. It can cause resentment and awkwardness in the relationship. How do you approach your friend without making him feel he has to do this for you? It’s unlikely he’ll feel as if he can turn you down. Can be turn you down without insulting you? Probably not.

  How do you know whether your friend can afford to lend you the money? He may be embarrassed to admit he’s a little short of funds himself. Or he might not want to disappoint you. So he lends you the money and then he needs money, too.

  There’s also the question of when you’ll pay back the loan. It’s awkward for your friend to ask for a deadline for repayment. Besides, if you’re short of funds, you may not be able to predict when you’ll pay him back. What about interest on the loan? If it’s a small amount of money, this doesn’t matter. However, if large funds are involved, and you won’t be paying it back for a while, should you offer to pay interest? Should your friend ask you to pay interest? All these issues can result in hurt feelings and can harm the friendship.

  It’s possible, of course, that if you borrow money from a friend and pay it back in a timely fashion, this will create a special bond between the two of you. You’ll know that you can count on your friend when you need help. He’ll know you’re trustworthy.

  However, more often than not, money issues between friends are an embarrassment. If you need money, it’ s better to go to a bank for a loan.

大学英语作文 篇6

  t it was a matter of life and death with the chances against him。 this threw him into a panic, and he turned and ran up the creek-bed along the old, dim trail。 the dog joined in behind and kept up with him。 he ran blindly, without intention, in fear such as he had never known in his life。 slowly, as he plowed and floundered through the snow, he began to see things again, the banks of the creek, the old timber-jams, the leafless aspens, and the sky。 the running made him feel better。 he did not shiver。 maybe, if he ran on, his feet would thaw out; and, anyway, if he ran far enough, he would reach camp and the boys。 without doubt he would lose some fingers and toes and some of his face; but the boys would take care of him, and save the rest of him when he got there。 and at the same time there was another thought in his mind that said he would never get to the camp and the boys; that it was too many miles away, that the freezing had too great a start on him, and that he would soon be stiff and dead。 this thought he kept in the background and refused to consider。 sometimes it pushed itself forward and demanded to be heard, but he thrust it back and strove to think of other things。

  it struck him as curious that he could run at all on feet so frozen that he could not feel them when they struck the earth and took the weigh。 of his body。 he seemed to himself to skim along above the surface, and to have no connection with the earth。 somewhere he had once seen a winged mercury, and he wondered if mercury felt as he felt when skimming over the earth。

  his theory of running until he reached camp and the boys had one flaw in it: he lacked the endurance。 several times he stumbled, and finally he tottered, crumpled up, and fell。 when he tried to rise, he failed。 he must sit and rest, he decided, and net time he would merely walk and keep on going。 as he sat and regained his breath, he noted that he was feeling quite warm and comfortable he was not shivering, and it even seemed that a warm glow had come to his chest and trunk。 and yet, when he touched his nose or cheeks, there was no sensation。 running would not thaw them out。 nor would it thaw out his hands and feet。 then the thought came to him that the frozen portions of his body must be etending。 he tried to keep this thought down, to forget it, to think of something else; he was aware of the panicky feeling that it caused, and he was afraid of the panic。 but the thought asserted itself, and persisted, until it produced a vision of his body totally frozen。 this was too much, and he made another wild run along the trail。 once he slowed down to a walk, but the thought of the freezing etending itself made him run again。

  and all the time the dog ran with him, at his heels。 when he fell down a second time, it curled its tad! over its forefeet and sat in front of him, facing him, curiously eager and intent the warmth and security of the animal angered him, and he cursed it till it flattened down its ears appealingly。 this time the shivering came more quickly upon the man。 he was losing in his battle with the frost。 it was creeping into his body from all sides。 the thought of it drove him on, but he ran no more than a hundred feet, when he staggered and pitched headlong。 it was his last panic。 when he had recovered his breath and control, he sat up and entertained in his mind the conception of meeting death with dignity。 however, the conception did not come to him in such terms。 his idea of it was that he had been making a fool of himself, running around like a chicken with its head cut off--such was the simile that occurred to him。 well, he was bound to freeze anyway, and he might as well take it decently。 with this new-found peace of mind came the first glimmerings of drowsiness。 a good idea, he thought, to sleep off to death。 it was like salting an anaesthetic。 freezing was not so bad as people thought。 there were lots worse ways to die。

  he pictured the boys finding his body net day。 suddenly he found himself with them, coming along the trail and looking for himself。 and, still with them, he came around a turn in the trail and found himself lying in the snow。 he did not belong with himself any more, for even then he was out of himself, standing with the boys and looking at himself in the snow。 it certainly was cold, was his thought。 when he got back to the states he could tell the folks what real cold was he drifted on from this to a vision of the old-timer on sulphur creek he could see him quite clearly, warm and comfortable, and smoking a pipe。

  you were right, old hoss; you were right, the man mumbled to the old-timer of sulphur creek。

  then the man drowsed off into what seemed to him the most comfortable and satisfying sleep he had ever known。 the dog sat facing him and waiting。 the brief day drew to a close in a long, slow twilight。 there were no signs of a fire to be made, and, besides, never in the dogs eperience had it known a man to sit like that in the snow and make no fire。 as the twilight drew on, its eager yearning for the fire mastered it, and with a great lifting and shifting of forefeet, it whined softly, then flattened its ears down in anticipation of being chidden by the man。 but the man remained silent。 later, the dog whined loudly。 and still later it crept close to the man and caught the scent of death。 this made the animal bristle and back away。 a little longer it delayed, howling under the stars that leaped and danced and shone brightly in the cold sky。 then it turned and trotted up the trail in the direction of the camp it knew, where were the other food-providers and fire-providers。

大学英语作文 篇7

  The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it.

  First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).

  In my opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short, whatever you do, please remember the say------A. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you”ll necessarily benefit a lot from it. From Joozone.com.










