

时间:2022-08-06 10:29:10 小学英语作文 我要投稿
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  This year's new year's Eve is the happiest for me. Because I spent time with my elder sister and brother's family in the foreign family.


  In the morning, our family got up early, had breakfast, and began to work. The floor sweeping, the dishes washing, the couplets pasting, and the ancestor worship Everyone is working very hard.


  Time flies, and it's time to prepare the new year's Eve dinner. Grandpa said, "this year's new year's Eve dinner is prepared by my uncle and aunt, with the help of my mother and aunt." After a busy afternoon, the new year's Eve dinner is finally on the table. There are fish, chicken, shrimp and vegetables Many delicious dishes are filled with a big table, which is really fragrant and salivating!


  At the beginning of the new year's Eve dinner, our family all enjoyed it. In the middle of the meal, my uncle said, "let's play a game. It's a brain teaser." Sister said: "the rule of the game is to reward a piece of meat for the right person and a piece of vegetables for the wrong person." As soon as the topic comes out, we seriously think about it for fear that we may say something wrong. When we think about it, we all rush to raise our hands and speak. When we encounter a difficult topic, we all talk about it.


  In this way, I ate the new year's Eve dinner unconsciously. At last, the adults gave us a new year's red envelope.


  Ah! Happy New Year's Eve!



  The annual new year is coming again, and all the families can get together happily. And what will my new year be like this year? Let me have a look.

  今天,我正沉浸在香香的梦中,忽然"噼噼啪啪"的声音,这声音如雷贯耳,把我吓得从床上跌了下去,刚想生气,一看到是鞭炮,便想起今儿是新年难怪放鞭炮呢。我下来床,换上表示喜庆的红色新衣,早早地吃完早饭,帮我爷爷贴春联,可别小瞧那春联,那春联可是我爷爷他亲自题写的:人寿年丰大吉祥,物华天宝长安乐。贴完后,我赞许着爷爷讲:"真好,真像印刷机写的一般漂亮。"爷爷也十分骄傲。上午,我们亲戚之间互相拜年,老辈都说:"新年好!"而我们却说:"Happy new year!"我还收了不少压岁钱呢。午饭时,我们一家人一起坐在餐桌,聊着天,互敬酒,互拜年,一片的祥和欢乐。下午,我们开始劳动了,全家人都要包饺子,我的任务是擀面。我拿着擀面杖先竖着擀两下,再横着擀两下,一个个圆圆的.饺子皮就做好了,晚饭时,我品尝自己包的饺子,感觉有一股暖流流遍全身,就像妈妈的拥抱,十分幸福。最后,我还吃到了带硬币的饺子,全家都夸我幸运,使我格外开心。

  Today, I was immersed in the fragrant dream. Suddenly, the sound of "crackling" was so loud that I fell off my bed. I just wanted to get angry. When I saw it was firecrackers, I thought it was the new year. No wonder I set off firecrackers. I got out of bed, put on a new red dress to show my happiness, eat breakfast early, and paste spring couplets for my grandfather. Don't look down on that spring couplet, which was written by my grandfather himself: longevity, auspiciousness and happiness. After posting, I praised my grandfather and said, "it's so nice. It's as beautiful as a printing press. "Grandpa is also very proud. In the morning, our relatives paid a new year's Eve to each other. The elders said, "Happy New Year!"! "And we say," Happy New Year! "I've also collected a lot of lucky money. At lunch time, our family sat at the dinner table, chatting, toasting and greeting each other. It was peaceful and joyful. In the afternoon, we began to work. The whole family wanted to make dumplings. My task was to roll noodles. I took a rolling pin and rolled it up and down, then two times horizontally. One round dumpling skin was made. When I tasted my dumplings at dinner, I felt a warm current flowing all over my body, just like my mother's hug, and I was very happy. Finally, I also ate dumplings with coins. My family praised me for my luck and made me very happy.


  When I go to bed, I still remember everything today. I wish I could do it every day. Of course, it can only be achieved with meticulous efforts and persistence.



  During the Spring Festival, my parents and I went back to our hometown. There are many customs of Spring Festival in our hometown, but the most eye opening one is dragon dancing.


  On the evening of the first day of the new year, my family and I came to the downtown square, which was already full of people, with all kinds of lights, fireworks and dancing. Soon, a lamp car full of folk customs stopped in the center of the square. The car kept playing music. The inflatable villains on the top were flying in the cold wind. Suddenly, a sound of beating drums and gongs came from the car. Then some martial artists of Shaolin Temple appeared. They performed many Shaolin martial arts, some dancing sticks, some playing broadsword, There are also endless somersaults, let us praise. All of a sudden, the main character appears. Two lions and a dragon run out. This is the so-called lion dance and dragon dance. Three lions run all over the field, chasing each other and rolling. With the support of more than a dozen people, this long and big dragon keeps rolling. It looks like it's really flying in the sky. It runs, stops and flies It's really fun to skate for a while, especially when the faucet is made vividly, it looks like it's really the same.


  After the performance, we went home, but my mood was still not calm. Dragon dancing was so beautiful.










