

时间:2024-06-20 17:45:12 晓凤 英语演讲 我要投稿
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  阅读的力量英语演讲稿 1

Dear friends:

  Today, I want to talk to you about the power of reading. As we all know, reading is an essential part of our daily lives, and it has far-reaching benefits for our mental and physical health. In this article, I will discuss some of the ways in which reading can help us achieve our goals, improve our communication skills, and enhance our overall well-being.

  First and foremost, reading can help us improve our vocabulary. By reading a variety of books, we can learn new words and understand their meanings. This not only helps us to communicate more effectively with others but also helps us to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world around us.

  Reading can also help us improve our critical thinking skills. When we read books that challenge our assumptions and beliefs, we can learn to think more critically and creatively. This not only helps us to solve problems more effectively but also helps us to make better decisions in the future.

  Reading can also help us improve our communication skills. By reading books that are written in different languages, we can learn to speak and understand different languages. This not only helps us to expand our horizons but also helps us to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

  Reading can also help us improve our overall well-being. By reading books that are written about topics that interest us, we can reduce stress and anxiety. We can also learn to appreciate the beauty of nature and the importance of self-care.

  In conclusion, reading is a powerful tool that can help us achieve our goals, improve our communication skills, and enhance our overall well-being. So, whether you are a student, a professional, or just a curious individual, make time for reading every day.

  Thank you.

  阅读的力量英语演讲稿 2

Dear teachers and students,

  I like the color of this wood, soft yellow, calm and quiet, I sit in a large chair made of this wood, bent over the flat table made of this wood, I forget everything and enter a lonely space, this little heaven and earth, constitute my love of life.

  The aunt of the library ushered in the first reader at this time, and opened rows of bright lights for me. I slowed down and walked in gently, not wanting to disturb the immortal soul that lay here. The fluorescent lights lit up behind me, presenting the background of my integration into another world. At this holy moment, I will climb the temple of culture and worship religiously.

  I worship the Book of Songs. A long river of poetry originated from here, it sometimes meandering and beautiful, "cast me with wood peach, report to Qiongyao", I see the wind in the simple love in the dispersion; Sometimes he wanders around sobbing, "Master mouse, I have no food," which is the most helpless plea of the poor working people; Sometimes magnificent, "flowing, 絜 cattle and sheep", I understand the noble sacrifice entertainment scene. He is reading both history and literature. What the Book of Songs gives is the early flowers in spring, the thick loess, and a kind and true heart. If I go back to the ancient times, I would like to be the farmer who swings the hoe in the field, and sing the plain face of life the most real.

  I worship Zhuang Zhou. Between the teasing, mocking words, I saw a lone, independent figure. If he hangs the clouds of the sky, the network leisurely, gathering and scattering Yiyi. With a relaxed attitude to show extra detachment in free and easy. Zhuangsheng Xiao dream butterfly, regardless of his worlds numerous and noisy, he turned into a butterfly in the wild laugh, do not get the earths dirt; Ninety thousand miles wind peng is lifting, he opened his mouth to break the world, opened the darkness, leaving a nest of startled people stunned, he turned to ride the wind. Zhuang Zhous state of mind is the flower of the soul, always in the countryside you fang alone, spotless. Reading "Nanhua Jing", like bathing in a spring rain, a clean flower opened in the field, small but noble.

  I was curious and modest, excited and addicted to this land between the earth and the wandering, here everywhere growing a flower made me lose myself. Like alone in the night, with no daylight, but always with a wise man, I hear my own footsteps licking my footprints. There are wise men silent guidance, good reading!

  阅读的力量英语演讲稿 3

Dear leaders and judges,

  Hello, everyone! The topic of todays speech is: The power of reading

  The ancients said, read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles. I have friends who fly more than 10,000 miles a year, but read only a handful of books a year.

  I often see such scenes, such high school students, wearing a pair of big glasses, holding such tablets to play games, look around us, how many people spend time on mobile phones, computers, the Internet, and reading time is less and less.

  This phenomenon is not uncommon, but we cannot take it for granted. Dont forget, one of the important reasons why Chinese civilization has lasted for thousands of years is that reading has brought us a kind of spiritual strength, which has always supported the progress of the country.

  At the beginning of the year, I attended a party. A friend came with his seven-year-old daughter. With everyones encouragement, the girl generously read a poem for us, and we were shocked when she opened her mouth.

  "Teng Wang Gaoge Linjiang Nagisa, peyu Ming Luan stop singing and dancing..." This poem is the Tengwangge poem of Wang Bo, but it has been living under the halo of Tengwangge preface, so it is not known. The little girl opened her mouth to show that she must have read some books carefully.

  Later, I further learned that because this little girl likes reading very much, her parents bought a lot of books for her to read, but they did not let her go to the Olympic math class, English class and other remedial classes.

  I think this is probably something that many parents want to do but dont have the courage to do. Finally, my father and I said this paragraph: "We are ordinary people, may never jump out of this class, but as long as you read more books, read good books!" No one can stop us from reaching the top in the world of knowledge." This is the power of reading, it can make people more determined.

  Reading is related to the value of individual life, but also related to the rise and fall of the nation. Looking back on history, countless classic works have become the guiding light of future generations in the world and the indispensable cultural core of Chinese civilization.

  A page of civilization, a page of vicissitudes, this is the power of reading, it makes the Chinese nation more powerful!

  Friends, let us put down our fiddling phones, pick up books around us, and feel with our own hearts, where there is the deep feeling of Phoenix flying, where there is the unyielding fighting spirit of wind and waves, where there is more courage and integrity of Kunlun!

  I believe that one day, all people will be reading craze swept across the land of China, and that day, our descendants will always be the old ancestors singing: America, my leisurely old country, not the old, strong, I Yan Huang children and children, and the country without borders!

  阅读的力量英语演讲稿 4

Dear teachers and students,

  Hello, everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Reading is Good for you".

  "Books are the ladder of human progress." "Books are still medicine, and good reading can cure stupidity." Many famous quotes say that books are good. I have always felt that reading books has four advantages:

  First, it can cultivate our sentiments and broaden our horizons. If you want to enjoy the scenery of the pyramids and the style of the Qin Terracotta Warriors in our country, you can read some articles describing them in the book, so that we seem to be there.

  Second, can expand our scope of knowledge. For example, if theres an animal you dont know, you can look it up in the Encyclopedia. If you dont know something, you can look it up in the book and so on. If you dont know anything, you can look it up in the book.

  Three, can make us deeply moved. Once, I read a story: Scarecrow rice shell son from the hands of hungry dogs to get back a baby girl, the baby girl has no milk to eat, has been crying. Rice shell son in order to beg for some milk, respectively to find a vole, badger and a mother, but I know the customs of other areas, places of interest, I know all about. Why? Because I love to read.

  I love reading, because books enrich my emotional world. I sympathize with little Vankas extraordinary fate; I admire Yan Zis resourcefulness and bravery in answering the king of Chu. I appreciate the patriotic spirit of Soong Ching Ling and Hua Luogeng; I like Lin Haiyins desire to learn; I hate it when foreign powers do whatever they want on our Chinese soil and have no laws... Ask me how I know so much - because I love to read.

  I love reading, because books help me to set up lofty ideals. There are many people working hard and struggling for their ideals. It took Marx 40 years to write Capital; Qian Xuesen endured prison to return home; Sister Jiang, Liu Hulan, Dong Cunrui and another hero for the establishment of new China and shed blood, these people for their own ideals and at all costs, they are our role models, they help me set up a lofty ideal.

  Books are the ladder of human progress, the ocean of knowledge, a person who does not read is like a body without a soul. So, students, read more books! Read for the rise of China!

  This is the end of my speech, thank you!









