

时间:2023-11-22 08:37:46 观后感 我要投稿
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  "I love you, China! I love you, China!" singing accompanied by melodious violin music spread all over the streets of China.

  This is a flash event that has spread all over China since the National Day in 20xx, attracting the participation of people all over the country and allowing more and more Chinese people to express their love for the motherland.

  This love can be a great river and mountain spanning thousands of miles and a colorful scenery across five climatic zones. The boundless forests in the northeast, the vast fertile fields in North China, the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River, the warm customs and endless beautiful scenery in South China are waiting for Chinese people to appreciate with their eyes. The gardens of one mountain and one water are enough to make tourists linger and forget to return.

  But is that enough love? Is the grey life in modern China short of these beautiful scenery? When the iron hooves of imperialism set foot on South China, there were endless greedy robbers behind them; When the cannons of the Western giant sword opened the gate of the south of the Yangtze River, one "trading port" after another was the signing of treaties that humiliated the country; When the Japanese invaders hunted and killed on the North China Plain, thousands of hectares of fertile land became the enemy's logistics; When us planes dropped bombs on China over the Yalu River, the Northeast turned into a sea of fire and hell, but people could only sigh on the ground! China, which is poor and weak, needs to be saved. It is not the landscape lovers who indulge in the landscape, but the doers who are capable of loving the country and serving the country.

  Therefore, the advanced elements in modern times introduced technology and emancipated the mind; In the war, general Zhang Zizhong bravely killed the enemy and promised his country with his life; At the beginning of the founding of new China, the builders worked hard to build a modern country: they really love China, they love a rich and powerful China, they love China standing in the forest of the world, after they paid tears and sweat, blood and flesh; After the sound of the atomic and hydrogen bombs; After China's strength has hardened: the Chinese people have stood up, the Chinese people have never dared to publicly express their pride in the motherland before, and China's prosperity and strength has given birth to heartfelt love.

  At the press conference of the Ministry of foreign affairs, the foreign minister's righteous words echoed decisively; This is the photo of a Chinese diplomat bowing his head and sighing a hundred years ago, lamenting that "this is not what it used to be"; This is the happy smiling face of people in the context of a new era and new life. People laugh that China is back, and people love a really powerful China.

  Love it, make it stronger! Ren Zhengfei's mind is still worried about China's education system when he masters a giant enterprise such as Huawei; Professor Wang Chuanfu is not enough to study batteries. He wants to set up a company to make advanced technology benefit the public... There are countless industrialists in the reform and opening up. It is they who set an example for us and love a strong China if they love their country.

  I can't help but think of Wang Feng's cry in the song: "I love you, China, my dear mother, I cry for you! And I'm proud of you!"



  The motherland, the wise man coming from the source of the Yellow River, inherited the unruly and unrestrained flow of the Yellow River, lit a cluster of flame penetrating time and space with vitality, and the light is sacred! The hand that used to polish the stone axe and hammer polished wisdom and power from the stone.

  What is an ode? Why is it infatuation? The memory that was ravaged by bullets and foreign iron hoofs in the past has been deeply collected by history. The ancestors who have gone through humiliation and suffering have condensed into a bright red flag with the faith of unity for thousands of years. The boiling water of the Yellow River roars, its vitality is surging, and the waves are rolling, one after another. It carries the motherland through twists and turns, humiliation, maturity, brilliance and success.

  We had the pleasure of liberation and the hardships of development; There is pride in the success of two bombs and one satellite to restore the comfort of Hong Kong and Macao; There is the spectacular of the Three Gorges Project and the feat of the Shenzhou spacecraft; With the spirit of developing the West and the pride of building a new socialist countryside... The ice and snow flood can not stop us from moving forward bravely, and the earthquake and natural disasters can not shake our will to unite as a city.

  We drove the fast train of scientific development along the subgrade paved by several giants, pushing the socialist economic construction to a new climax again and again. When the spring breeze of the new century plays a polite Prelude again, grand plans flicker alternately on the computer screen, windows rush to open to the sea, and highways chase the speed of the wheels.

  On this day, our great motherland, economic development, political stability, social progress, national unity, all undertakings are prosperous and booming. On the land of 9.6 million square kilometers, it is full of colorful and colorful scenery; The people of the whole country are full of vigor and vitality, full of pride of victory. With high morale and hard work, the people of the whole country are making great strides on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  The people's Republic of China was founded 70 years ago, opening a new era in Chinese history. Under the leadership of China *, hundreds of millions of people have worked hard to explore the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the process of reform, opening up and modernization, they have created one miracle after another and realized the Centennial dream of strengthening the country, enriching the people and rejuvenating the nation.

  Reform and opening up have made China step by step towards prosperity, and Chinese children live and work in peace and contentment. Qinghai Tibet railway, an almost impossible railway, the Chinese people have done it; Trains have been speeding up many times, making people's life more convenient; The construction of Olympic venues and the successful hosting of the Olympic Games have made the whole country rejoice... China is completing one feat after another with its wisdom and sweat!

  On this day, we, who have thrived under the banner of the party, with a very grateful heart and with the most sincere, moving and pious feelings, deeply wish the 70th birthday of the motherland and our great motherland more perfect and stronger!











