

时间:2024-04-26 07:03:16 英语教案 我要投稿
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  Teaching aims

  通过本单元的教学,学生了解有关急救的常识,在生活中如何处理一些突发事件,然后实施紧急救护等总结,归纳情态动词的用法,如:should/shouldn’t; must/mustn’t ;ought to等表示义务和责任的用法。

  Teaching important and difficult points


  knee, still, bite (bit, bitten/bit), lay (laid, laid), mouth-to-mouth, bum, cut, electric, container pool, breathe, within, handkerchief, wound, safety, wire, guard, sideway, firm, firmly wherever, stomach, injure, injured, injury, poison, quantity, nearby


  first aid, ought to, medical care, by mistake, pay attention to, in a short while, deal with, take it easy, running water, out of one’s reach, throw up, hold up

  3. Useful expressions

  We must carry her to the side of the road.

  You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt.

  Parents should know some first aid.

  You shouldn’t get up if you are badly hurt.

  I ought to go home.

  I have to cook supper for my grandmother.

  4. Grammar

  Revise Modal Verbs : must, should

  Study Modal Verb: ought to





  教师布置学生写作的题目及要求,教师给学生几分钟时间进行讨论,教师给学生一些关键的词语,如:breathe, First Aid Centre, handkerchief, mouth-to mouth so on.之后,教师给学生十分钟左右时间开始写,最后教师请几位同学朗读,教师给予讲评。


  本单元是围绕First aid, Safety in the home,展开话题。对话课中描述两个学生在街上看到一个女孩从自行车上摔下来的经过,同时对话中使用了情态动词的用法,课文中附有图片和口语练习,帮助学生了解急救的重要性及有关的常识。


  1. What should you do if a person has drunk poison by mistake? 假如有人误喝了毒药,你怎么办?

  by mistake是固定词组,意为“错误地”,“无心地(做错了事)”。例如:

  She put salt in her cup of coffee by mistake.她错将盐放入咖啡里了。

  2. do with,deal with


  但是用于特殊疑问句的时候do with与what连用;deal with则与how连用。例如:


  另外,do with还可表达别的意思。例如:

  What did you do with my umbrella? (=Where did you put my umbrella?)


  What are we to do with this naughty boy? (=How are we to deal with this naughty boy?) 我们该怎样处置这个顽皮的男孩?

  3. knock at, knock down & knock into的区别

  knock at 指“敲打门窗”

  I heard someone knocking at the door.我听见有人敲门。

  Tom tried knocking at the window.汤姆试着敲了敲窗户。

  knock down 指“……撞倒”

  He nearly knocked me down at the corner.在拐角处,他几乎把我撞倒。

  He was knocked down by a car. 他被汽车撞倒了。

  knock into 指“碰倒,撞上某人”,也可指“偶然碰见”。

  The child knocked into the teacher.那孩子撞到了老师身上。

  He knocked into the chair in the dark.黑暗中他撞在了椅子上。

  He didn't expect to knock into some of his friends here.他没有想到在这儿遇见一些朋友。

  4. ask, demand, inquire, question & require


  Did you ask the price of that ten-speed bicycle?你打听过那辆十速自行车的价钱了吗?


  I demand that you leave this place at once.我要求你立即离开此地。

  3)inquire 多用于较正式的语体,通常只表示打听消息,寻求答案。

  He inquired of the girl the way to the railway station.他问那女孩到火车站怎么走。

  4)question 常表示一连串问题,有时则有盘问,审问之意。

  ①The questioning of the prisoner went on for hours.对那个囚犯的审讯延续了好几个小时。


  Since he was involved in the case, the court required his appearance.由于他与此案有关,法庭令他出庭。

  5.breathe & breath

  1)breathe 是动词,是“呼吸”的意思。

  He was breathing hard/heavily after racing for the train.他跑着赶上了火车,吃力地喘着气。

  It is good to breathe fresh country air instead of city smoke.呼吸乡间新闻空气而不吸入城市烟尘是有益的。


  1)I can't concentrate with you breathing down my neck.你这样紧紧叮着我,使我精神无法集中。

  2)Promise me you won't breathe a word of this to anyone.答应我别将此事泄漏给任何人。

  3)The new manager has breathed fresh life into the company.新经理给公司带来了朝气。


  1)You can see people's breath on a cold day.冷天能看到人们呼出的空气。

  2)His breath smelt of garlic.他呼出气中有蒜味。


  ①Her smile is a breath of fresh air in this gloomy office.她的微笑给沉闷的'办公室带来生气。

  ②Religion is the breath of life for her.宗教对她来说是不可缺少的精神支柱。

  ③It took us a few minutes to get our breath back after the race.赛跑后我们用了好几分钟才恢复了正常呼吸。

  ④The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.杂技演员走钢丝时,观众们都屏住了呼吸。

  ⑤His heart condition makes him short(out) of breath.他心脏状况不佳使他呼吸急。

  ⑥He lost his breath in running.由于奔跑他几乎喘不上气。

  语法:情态动词(Modal Verbs)

  1) must


  We must obey the rules.我们必须遵守规则。

  You mustn’t talk like that.你可不能那样说话。


  She said that we must wait a little while.她说我们必须要等一会儿。


  must have则表示对过去情况的推测。例如:

  This must be Tom’s room. 这准是Tom的房间。

  Jack must have gone there, hasn’t he? / didn’t he?杰克准是去过那儿了,对不对?

  C.比较:have to也表示“必须”,但have to更强调客观需要,must着重说明主观看法。如:

  We had to be there at 10 o’clock.我们得在10点到那儿。(客观需要)

  We must be back before 10 o’clock.我们必须10点前回来。(主观认为)


  We must / have to leave now.我们得走了。

  must和have to的否定式即mustn’t和don’t have to意思完全不同。Mustn’t表示“不作某事”,有禁止的含义;don’t have to表示“不必要(作某事)”,含有“客观上无此必要”的意思。例如:

  You mustn’t move someone if the person is badly hurt.如果这人受了重伤,你一定不要动他.

  The person isn’t hurt at all. You don’t have to give him first aid.这个人根本就没有受伤,你不必给他进行急救。




  Teaching goals

  1. Target language

  a. Important words and phrases

  Poem, poetry, recite, aspect, convey, nursery, rhyme, diamond, cottage, balloon, sparrow, tease, salty, endless, translate, nursery rhyme, take it easy, run out of, make up of

  b. Important sentences

  Which poem is about things that don’t make sense?

  Poets use many different forms of poems to express themselves.

  I hadn’t taken my eye off the ball.

  We hadn’t taken it easy.

  The poem is made up of five lines.

  A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English. The translations have a free form that English people like to copy.

  2. Ability goals

  a. Enable Ss to talk about different types of poems: nursery rhymes; list poems; cinquain,; haiku; Tang poems

  b. Enable Ss to talk about different purposes of writing poems.

  c. Understand the main theme of each poem.

  d. Enable Ss to chant some of their favorite poems.

  3. Learning ability

  Enable Ss to distinguish different types of poems


  Teaching important points

  1. Talk about five main types of poems.

  2. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems.

  Teaching difficult points

  1. Find the rhythm of each poem.

  2. Chant the poem.

  3. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems.


  Teaching procedures & ways

  Step 1. Greetings

  Step 2. Presentation

  Ask Ss to think back and try to remember poems from their early childhood, either in Chinese or in English.

  Talk about some famous poets both home and abroad, either ancient ones or modern ones.

  Brainstorming: What will you think of when we talk about the word “poem”?

  Step 3. Warming up

  Read the questions in this part, reminding Ss what they notice about the above poems.(e.g. they have a strong beat, or they have rhyme, or they play with words and sounds, or perhaps some of them are funny because they make no sense.)

  Tell Ss that there are many reasons why people write poetry. Give the examples on the Bb. Ask Ss why they think the poets wrote the poems they have just recited.. Write their suggestions on the board.

  Give Ss a time limit of a few minutes. Divide the class into groups of four to discuss the purpose of writing poems. Ask one person from each group to read their group’s list and add their suggestions to the list on the board. (Suggested reasons: to create certain feelings or images in the reader; to share a feeling or experience; to describe something in detail or give an impression; to get the reader to think about an idea; to express a point of view; to make the reader experience the sight, sounds, smells, feel and tastes of something; to create a mood, to play with words--- their sounds, rhyme and rhythm.)

  If time permits, in small groups or as a class, discuss the kinds of topics that poets write about.( people, animals, nature, landscapes, the sea, the seasons, stories, death, war, youth and old age, feeling and experiences, emotions like love, hate, sadness, regret and desire, etc.)

  Step 4. Pre-reading

  People from different countries write different kinds of poems. Get Ss to discuss the questions on Page 9 with their partners: Do you have a favorite poem in Chinese? Why ? Do you have a favorite poem in English? Why?

  As to exercise 2, give Ss practice in an important reading skill: scanning a text, that is, looking through a text quickly to find specific information. Read the table in exercise 2 with the Ss. Tell them that they are going to look for the information in the table, just in the poems themselves, not in the other parts of the text. They are to look only for those pieces of information and not read every word. Do an example with them.

  Suggested answers to exercise 2:

  Step 5. Reading


  Get the Ss to read the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the Ss to form a good habit of reading. Teacher gives Ss a couple of minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell them to read the text silently and then ask some detailed questions about the text on the slide show . Teacher should encourage Ss to express their ideas.

  Q1. Why do people write poetry?

  Q2. How many forms of poems are mentioned in the passage? What are they?

  Q3. What does “nursery rhyme” mean? Why do they delight small children?

  Q4. What’s the characteristic of “list poems”? What about “cinquain”?

  Q5. Why do English People like “Haiku”?

  Q6. Are you familiar with Tang Poems? Do you know the title of the last poem in the text?


  Before Ss read the text, have them close their books and listen to the text with their eyes closed. This gives Ss the opportunity to listen to the sounds or “music” of the poems before reading them in detail. Tell them that it doesn’t matter if they don’t understand every word.

  First reading

  Get Ss to read the text carefully, finding the one sentence that sums up the paragraph of each part.. Underline the topic sentence.

  Second reading

  Tell Ss that they are going to look at the rhythm of two of the poems. Make sure they know what rhythm is. Read the limerick aloud and have Ss listen for the strong beats. Then have them clap the strong beats as you read. Mark the strong beats on the limerick on the board.

  There was an old man with a beard

  Who said “it is just as I feared”.

  “Four insects and then

  Two birds and a hen

  Have all made a home in my beard”.

  Now read the poem A & B. Ask them to mark the strong beats on the two poems that have a strong rhythm. Check their answers . Then play the tape and get them to clap to the strong beats in those two poems.

  Third reading

  Just as any scene can serve as the subject of a painting, so any part of daily life can provide material for a poem.. Of course, the choice that the artist or poet makes relates to his or her purpose. Poetry is usually short and compact, so it should be read several times, preferably aloud, to appreciate its meaning. Read the last poem (Poem H), and answer the following questions:

  Q1. What parts of the poem suggest that the woman loves her husband?

  Q2. How do you understand the sentence” Should the journeyer return, this stone would utter speech.”? Explain the sentence in your own words.

  Q3. What picture do you have in your mind when you read the above sentences?

  Q4. Do you know the Chinese title of this poem? Do you know the Chinese version of the poem?

  Step 6. Make a short summary of this period.



  1. Surf some websites to find out more information about poets.

  2. Review the content of the reading passage.

  3. Finish the exercises on Page 12& 13.









