

时间:2023-05-17 19:18:28 作文大全 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  Our School

  our school is in the center city .there are six grades and thirty classes in it .the number of students is more than two thousand .we have two teaching buildings ,a big library ,and a large playground there many trees and nice flowers in the school .we often keep it clean and it looks beautiful .we love our school .

  翻译:我们的学校在市中心 ,有六个年级和三十个班级.学生人数是两千多 .我们有两个教学楼,一个大的图书馆,和一个大操场,那里有很多树木和漂亮的花.我们经常打扫,学校看起来很漂亮,我们热爱我们的`学校.

英文作文 篇2

  From these graphs, we can draw a conclusion that, with the growth of human population, the number of species has decreased rapidly in america, and some species have even vanished from our planet.

  Why does this phenomenon appear? There are several possible reasons for this.Above all, as the human population grows rapidly, a growing number of people came to live where some wild species have been living. then these species have to move to other places.

Some of them probably can not adapt to the new environment and die. In addition, although many people look on the wildlife as their friends, some people may not think so. They catch a lot of wild animals and sell them in order to get more money.

Even worse/more importantly, as the result /consequence of the industry, the natural balance and the ecologic environment are destroyed. the clear cutting has become increasingly serious. So some of the wildlife become homeless and extinct.

  In order to protect the wildlife,I have some suggestions.First, the governments should make laws to prevent them from being caught and killed. Second, the governments should educate people to love nature and protect it. Third, as for ourselves, we should take practical actions to protect our living environment.

英文作文 篇3

  Today, I saw the inspiring news that the seeing eye dogs would be allowed to get on the train. People paid a lot of attention to this news, most people were embracing this policy, they thought that it was reasonable for the seeing eye dog to get on the train, it means giving the special care of the blind people. Few people worried about the dog would bite the passengers, or the passengers will squeeze the dog. I have seen many stories about the seeing eye dogs, they are so loyal and the stories move me. Now the public is pleased with the news, they are willing to give their ways to the blinded and their dogs.


  我想要一个哥哥 I Want a Big Brother

  David Beckham, his family is believed to be the coolest family in the world. He has three handsome boys and a lovely girl. To me, I am very interested in the big brother, he is not only look very handsome, but also very considerate to his sister. Every time when the family goes out for the activities, the media will take the photos of them all the way. Then the big brother is always holding his little sister, he will protect her out of the media’s annoyance. I am so envious of the little girl, she has a sweet brother, who will protect her all the time. I also want a big brother to protect me.


英文作文 篇4

  As the summer has ended, the fall comes quickly. Last night, it rained, I stayed in the house and appreciated the scenery through the window.The sound of the rain was like the music to me, I enjoyed hearing it. the coolness came to me and I felt so comfortable, I love fall and it is nottoo hot and cold, I can do a lot of outside activities.



英文作文 篇5

  In China, almost every family has TV set in their house. Television has made great contribution to people’s daily lives and children’s education. Some people even think that television is one of the greatest inventions in the world. But there is a good side and a bad side to everything and that includes the television. 在中国,几乎每个家庭都有电视机。电视在人们的日常生活和孩子的教育上面做出了巨大的贡献。一些人认为电视是这个世界上最伟大的发明之一。但任何事情都有好坏,电视也不例外。On one hand, TV is a powerful educational tool that through it people know what is happening in the rest of the world. Because of television, people begin to understand different cultures and current affairs. They know about the things they never knew before, they create their own opinions and form their sense of worth. The TV opens a brand-new door for them to explore the things they want to know. Many people may go traveling due to watch the beautiful scenes in TV. 一方面,电视是一个强有力的`教育工具。通过电视,人们得以知道到世界的其他地方发生了什么。因为电视,,人们了解到不到的风俗习惯和时事政治。他们知道自己从未了解的事情,形成自己的见解和价值观。电视为他们开启了一扇新的大门,等待着人们去探索想要知道的事物。因为电视,很多人想去各地旅游。On the other hand, some people may find them addicted to television, especially the young people. They spend most of their free time watching TV programs instead of playing outside with their peers. In this case, the children may lack of the ability of communicate effectively with others. TV makes them isolated. What’ more, sometimes the TV programs may contain sexual scenes or bloody scenes that not suitable for children to watch. This will cause negative effects on them.另一方面,一些人或许会发现他们沉迷于电视中,不能自拔,特别是青少年。他们的大多数空闲时间都用来看电视了,而不是与同伴们一起玩。在这样的情况下,他们或许会缺乏与人高效沟通的能力。电视让他们变得更加孤单。更重要的是,有时候一些电视节目会包含一些色情血腥的镜头,不适合小孩子观看。这会对他们造成负面影响。To sum up, I think television has both advantages and disadvantages, people should find a balance between it. Make the most use of it, don’t be the salves of it. 总的来说,我认为电视有利有弊。人们应该在其中找到平衡点。充分利用电视,而不是成为它的奴隶。

英文作文 篇6

  Our capacity to cope successfully with lifes challenges far outstrips our capacity to feel nervousness. Yet in the weeks, days, and hours leading up to an event that we believe will test our limits, we can become nervous. While we may have previously regarded ourselves as equal to the trials that lie ahead, we reach a point at which they near and our anxiety begins to mount. We then become increasingly worked up, until the moment of truth arrives and we discover that our worry was all for nothing. We are almost always stronger and more capable than we believe ourselves to be. But anxiety is not rational in nature, which means that in most cases we cannot work through it using logic as our only tool. Reason can help us recognize the relative futility of unwarranted worry but, more often than not, we will find more comfort in patterns of thought and activity that redirect our attention to practical or engaging matters.

  Most of us find it remarkably difficult to focus on two distinct thoughts or emotions at once, and we can use this natural human limitation to our advantage when trying to stay centered in the period leading up to a potentially tricky experience. When we concentrate on something unrelated to our worryuch as deep breathing, visualizations of success, pleasurable pursuits, or exercisenxiety dissipates naturally. Meditation is also a useful coping mechanism as it provides us with a means to ground ourselves in the moment. Our guides can aid us by providing us with a focal point wholly outside of our own sphere.

英文作文 篇7

  As humanwe should know it is so important that the water for us.about 70% composition of a person's body is water.and we can leave off food to live for long time(at least 7 days) but not more than 72 hours we will die if we leave the water.

  the reality now days is the resources of water lacked day by day .this require us must save in useing water.how to do it?

  in public bathroomwe shouldn't keep the clean water running without stop in familywe should save water toothe water after washing fruit and vegetables can used in cleanning floor.and the last time of water by washing face also can be used in wash toiletand so on.....

英文作文 篇8

  I believe there is a person who brings sunshine into your life。 That person may have enough to spread around。 But if you really have to wait for someone to bring you the sun and give you a good feeling, then you may have to wait a long time。


英文作文 篇9

  Recently, more and more people stay at home watching TV and surfing the Internet, which leads to obesity and even get serious illness.


  This is no doubt that sport is good for our health. A person who takes exercises regularly will keep fit. What’s more, exercise can make you well-behaved and confident. If you usually take exercise with your friends, you will be close to them. After all, sports can make your life more colorful.


  Nothing is more important than doing sports. It's time to take actions to stay away from the TV and computer and to take part in sport activities.


英文作文 篇10

  Your Starting Point

  You are where you are。 Accept it and feel the power your acceptance gives you to move forward。

  This moment is as it is。 Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedom of not having to fight against it。

  There are difficult challenges in your life。 Accept them and feel the energy that will enable you to rise above them。

  Accept that this is your starting point。 Instead of placing judgements on it, see the real, positive value that’s already yours。 You cannot change where your past priorities* and choices have brought you。 Yet you can make use of the wisdom you’ve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasured dreams。

  Lovingly and gratefully accept who you’ve been, what you’ve done, what you have and where you are。 For you can now transform it all into what you most wish to be。
















